Acetaminophen & Ibuprofen
Please consult with your physician if your child is under 3 months before giving any medications for fevers (temperature >100.4°F) . Any child under 6 months should not be taking ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil). We do not recommend around the clock fever medications because can mask your child’s symptoms.

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
Please consult with your physician if your child is 1 year or younger to give benadryl. This medication may relieve symptoms from allergies or itching. This medication may be extremely sedating.

Medication Refill Policy
Desert Pediatrics will only prescribe medication for your child when medically indicated. We do not prescribe medication, such as antibiotics, without evaluating your child or having a warranted diagnosis.
Please note, if your child has not been seen in our office for over one year, we will not refill any medication without a visit. It is important for your child’s pediatrician to evaluate how your child is doing on the current treatment and it is also important for your child to receive his or her annual well visit.
If your child has been diagnosed with a chronic condition requiring ongoing medication, we will need to see your child in the office regularly. Children taking chronic medications need regular follow up to both monitor the progress of their condition, as well as to identify and manage any adverse side-effects of medication. Although we may check in by phone periodically, some things are better to review in the office, and we want to make sure we’re providing your child the best possible care. Follow up frequency depends on the condition and stability on the current medication. For example, ADHD medication and asthma controller medications require “med checks” at least every 3 months when well controlled, where as some other medications can be followed yearly at well checks. Your provider will let you know at the appointment when you’ll need to be seen next.